SRA Literature

Literature is extremely reliable. It is always there for us. It is something we can carry with us and refer to at any time of the day or night. Because it is drawn from the experiences of many members, it carries great strength and wisdom. It gives us hope and inspiration. We learn from the example of others that it is possible to live sober, productive and serene lives.

— From SRA Tools of the Program

SRA Literature

The General Service Board of SRA has approved and published a body of literature to help us work our program.   It is available on this site, and free to download in pdf format from, the website for SRA produced by the SRA General Service board.   SRA literature includes the following:

Suggested Meeting Format

 SRA literature includes a suggested meeting format.  The suggested meeting format is available on this website in a screen-friendly format in case a hardcopy is not available.

Stories of Recovery

SRA has recently published its first book: Stories of Recovery from Members of Sexual Recovery Anonymous.  In addition to the stories of members, it also includes the SRA literature listed above.

Other Literature

Some members of SRA have also found help in the following literature, some of which is read and available for sale in SRA Meetings:

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (the “Big Book” of AA);
  • Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (the AA “Twelve and Twelve”);
  • Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction, by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.
  • Hope and Recovery. The Steps and Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, adapted as a program of recovery for sex addicts.
  • Living Sober, a publication of Alcoholics Anonymous: “how A.A. members throughout the world live and stay sober one day at a time.”
  • Came to Believe.  Another AA publication, this book is a “collection of stories by A.A. members who write about what the phrase ‘spiritual awakening’ means to them.”
  • Answers in the Heart.  A daily reader for those recovering from sexual addiction.

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