Site icon Sexual Recovery Anonymous

SRA Intergroup

The various and several Groups of SRA in the Tri-State area come together to form SRA Intergroup Association. The name of this Association is Sexual Recovery Anonymous Tri-State Intergroup.

-From the Intergroup By Laws

Objectives of SRA Tri-State Intergroup

From the By-Laws:

Excluded from the Objectives of the association are:

SRA Tri-State Intergroup FAQ

What does SRA Intergroup do?

In service to the fellowship, Intergroup organizes retreats and holiday parties, maintains this website and the SRA Tri-State Archive, liaises with the SRA General Service Board, and performs outreach.

How is SRA Intergroup funded?

In accordance with SRA’s 7th Tradition, Intergroup depends solely upon the support of SRA groups, and is directly responsible to the groups it serves.  Many SRA groups will take a collection for Intergroup during the 7th Tradition break.  This is collected separately from the rent collection and sent to Intergroup by the meeting treasurer or Intergroup Rep.

When / Where are SRA Intergroup meetings?

Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 6PM at the The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, 208 W. 13th Street (between 7th and  8th Ave). All SRA members are welcome to attend Intergroup meetings, although only elected meeting representatives may vote.

What is an Intergroup representative?

An Intergroup Representative is an SRA member elected at an SRA meeting to represent that meeting at the Intergroup level.

What does an Intergroup representative do? What are the requirements?

[An intergroup rep] attends SRA Intergroup meetings once a month and helps carry on the work of Intergroup. Reports to the meeting about Intergroup meetings and also takes issues of importance back to Intergroup meetings for discussion and possible action. Suggested sobriety requirement: six months in the program and ninety days of sobriety. Suggested term: one year.

–From the SRA Suggested Meeting Format

What other kinds of service positions exist within Intergroup?

We can also offer our services to SRA Intergroup in a variety of other ways, including attending business meetings, volunteering for institutional meetings, working on committees, and responding to mail or telephone inquiries. These services further our commitment to the fellowship and to our sobriety.

–From the SRA pamphlet, Tools of the Program

The following are some examples of SRA Intergroup service positions:

Elections for these service positions are held periodically at Intergroup Meetings.

I am an Intergroup Rep.  How do I…

Donations can be sent by check to the following address:

SRA Tri-State Intergroup
P.O. Box 73
New York, NY 10024

Make checks payable to “SRA Tri-State Intergroup”.  Donations can also be provided directly to the Treasurer at Intergroup meetings.

Submit a request via the form on the Contact page.  Your message will be forwarded to the literature coordinator who will get back to you.

Submit the information in the form on the Contact page, under “Website Updates”.

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